Tuesday 24 September 2013

Dawnbringer Volume 2: Main

Author: Jung-Hoon Hong (홍정훈)
KKEUM/Cheol-i (꾸엠/철이)

Aloha! Welcome to the Critik Star System!

Hyper-Kishin Duskbringer enters the fray!

" I'm the Chief of the Alliance, Luise Maynard!"
"Admiral of the Alliance, Lezirth Dawnbringer..."


01. Our Luxurious Vacation!
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
02. Critik in the Storm
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
03. Dawnbringer VS Saika
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
04. The End of the Vacation

PDF: Dawnbringer Vol. 2 (Courtesy of fy)


  1. am i allow to ask questions, comment on the image, and give thank to the author? Am I?

    Questions: Those are probably new char. but i going ask anyway: Who the long twin tail blonde and that white hair female on the content page?

    Comment on the image: Awesome, cool, hot, and sexy!

    Praise: Thx U for uploading, o wish and wonderful One known as the scan group.

    1. mm, yes? I see no reason why you wouldn't be allowed to. If you want to thank the author, you will have to find him first or just leave your words here.

      The names of the two girls are Eiredith and Riznah Ereshikigal, respectively. I won't tell you more, since that would be a spoiler!

    2. "plz trnsl8!!!11! cant w8 4 more1!!"


      Seriously, can I be a bad leecher and ask for more TL of this series? I really likes it.

    3. If you don't release another chapter I'm gonna go nuts!!!

  2. front cover....*yummy*
    I-It's not like I have leg fetish, ok?
    anyway first post?

    1. Here's your silver medal, Anon. Better luck next time!

  3. I thought Junny was more into Bunny girls and Mikos but..........
    damn.......assets.....welll since i am a strict main heroine lover i only have a thing for the Meih..erm....argent haired girl...btw, i wanted to ask.how many volumes has this series published? or i volume 2 the latest one?

    1. I'm inclined to think of "main heroine" as Luise, since she even knows Lezirth before the cryogenic freeze.
      anyway dawnbringer <3

  4. 1st, yummy...

    nice girls...

    2nd, is it just me, or the new kishin (i presume) look very much like the one in the linebarrel of iron series?

    still awesome, though.

    cant wait till the translation catch up. :D :D :D

  5. Is the Kishin shown above suppose to be Dawnbringer or the current mini Dawnbringer?

  6. This has been bothering me. Why did you, about half way in volume 1, go from Luise to Louise when her name is officially spelled to the former? I hope you'll go back to spelling it as Luise.

    Anyways, thanks for translating this series. I can't wait to read volume 2!

    1. Because as someone who spells things the British way (ou instead of o, eg- colour vs color), I subconsciously tend to use Louise instead of Luise. It's just a habit of mine

  7. Of course thoses 3 girls weren't enough for the great hero of the past...He needs more, a big number suitable for his great deeds!!!
    With this other mecha I wonder if he'll get a new piece of Dawnbringer...

    Imoutolicious & co, I thank you in advance for v02!!!

  8. The art style of the next-to-last image reminds me a lot of Cavalier of the Abyss :p Thanks a lot for your hard work! Ill' be following this ^^ Greetz, a very happy Anon

  9. ahh, will you be continuing translation work on this?
    I'd ask you on Animesuki but I'm not sure how active you are on there outside of poking out for a post on the Dawnbringer thread

  10. Plz translate this soon, killing myself in anticipation here

  11. I Just stumbled upon this LN, It's great PLZ do more, Thanks! Also the general background plot for this reminds me of the novel Dauntless (The Lost Fleet)

  12. man when is going to start the translation to this volumen?

  13. thanks for translating this guys i look forward to Seeing volume 2 translated this month

  14. Great series, thanks for translating volume 1 so far!

  15. I like this LN a lot, but I was wondering what was the translation timeline for Volume 2?

    1. At least a comment to let us know that you are alive please , there are some people like us who visit the page everyday to check you know !

    2. Look over to the right for project status. Junnynam's projects are on hiatus.

  16. It would be nice if someone could translate the text on the images, however real life comes first.

  17. My guess is you aren't very bright then.

    If you look over to the right, you will notice project status. Unfortunately, most of our translators have real life matters to attend to.

  18. awesome , someone picked up dawn-bringer again ,

    on an other notw
    this comment box is a pain to use , why not use comments evolved for wordpress that merges everything in one place.

  19. Huh. Well..... YAY. Just a few more weeks (maybe not even that) until the entire volume comes out...maybe.

  20. Dawnbringer v2
    Translator got shot by a loli and died with a smile on his face.

    Damn! Really hope it get done this month.......

  21. Thank you for translating Dawnbringer, I really like the LN. Also, do you know about when the translator will come off hiatus?

  22. Notification; Senior Translator Junnynam has gone on a quest to find true enlightenment. Do not worry, he is alive.....mostly.
    Let us have patience and remember how long the people that read the original Shingeki no Kyojin from the start had to wait when the manga went on hiatus.

    1. Let us have patience and remember how long the people that read Berserk from the start and here we are 23.5 years later (December 1990-now). So guys, please be patience!
      Shingeki no Kyojin has a hiatus? Didn't even notice that, was it two years long?

    2. Don't even remind me about Berserk. I'm still waiting. I do prefer the 1 chapter a year over nothing at all.

    3. Once Berserk was mentioned I felt my heart and mind harden bring on the wait I am ready!

  23. Is this still being worked on? I'm thinking of reading it, but I don't want to bother if it's going to stagnant.

  24. R.I.P. translator. May he be surrounded by lolis in heaven.

  25. It is a pity that the translator went on heavens... BUT!! You aren't going to translate this novel further? That is, anybody won't pick up it instead of the lost translator?

  26. First, my compliments to the staff for an excellent job in translating, editing, and proofing ALL the titles on this site (yep, read 'em all). Even the read titles that I normally would not read I completed, because the hard work put into them made them enjoyable. Next, Dawnbringer. My kind of read, chicks, necks, and explosions! Pity the protag is the dense type, but him being tormented by wings, thighs, and breasts is good for a laugh. Great series IMHO, and I look forward to another high quality volume from the "tasty little sister" staff.

  27. Is this still being translated?(sry don't know what hiatus means...)

    1. Hiatus means 'break', or something like that
      It;s not cancelled, but they're busy with other stuff now.

      I guess (hope) they will get back to it eventually.

    2. Thanks for the answer.
      I hope that too.

  28. I won't understand one. You started translating Dawnbringer? I just don't see the word Hiatus there anymore...

  29. Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck I was waiting whole time and now DAWNBRINGER IS BACK... TL'er i don't know who the Hell are you, but you have guaranteed a free vodka in Poland.

  30. Just finished reading Vol 1, and it was great! Thank you for all the hard work you put into it and i look forwarded to reading Vol 2.

  31. Can't wait for translations! GJ to translators and I hope you pick this up again :D

  32. Am I reading this correctly? Does the sidebar actually say that part two of Vol02 Ch01 is fully translated? F*CK YES! Now we just have to wait patiently for the upload, yes?

  33. Thanks for the translations keep up the good work

  34. … Still Waiting for the Upload…

  35. Really nice ! The vacation and all. and dawnbringer being a girl with blue long hair! awesome!.
    Waiting for next part, hoping that he will tell them about what really happened 120 years ago!

  36. Thanks for the translation, can't wait for moreeee xD

  37. why is it taking it too long?

  38. its so slow . . . eager to read more

    1. Every time I read an obnoxious comment like yours, I break the editor's keyboard so the series is a little more delayed.

    2. Loved your reply xD hope more ppl read it and stop complaining about it

    3. Better late than never.. that reply was epic!

  39. kelvin if u want more releases , start translating urself dude.

    Thx for the translations, and just take all the time u need, just dont drop this please :P

  40. Nice series, can't wait to read more. Makes me wish I could read in other languages lol.

  41. This group is still active and kicking right? Plz keep up the good work and translate this piece of art (people got different opinions~)!!

  42. thanks for the translation guys and have fun

  43. Thanks for the hard work!.
    BTW. Meihowa is my wifu!

  44. Where is the part ch2pt3 says 100% but is not here?

  45. In commemoration of month of hiatus

  46. Why all our dawnbringer translators keeps killing themselves!!!!.

  47. ?Spoiler?
    Judging by the sub-title 'story of the machine god' and the fact that new kishins have been made since the death of the letix uberlord on mars, that missing child of letix might have duplicated the experiments and created the other 4 kishins by finding another uberlord. Also this is speculation but since the missing child of letix didnt help in the war against the letix and if she did indeed give the kishins to the elcro and asa then she might have intentionally caused/extended their war of attrition with the federation. Because she was the first attempt at a letix and human hybrid she may think of herself as a letix and not a human or replicant. Again this is only speculation since the story so far conserning the source of the new kishins, the alliance/fake lezirth+luise/Battle with dawnbringer seem to be connected and the only unknown factors are the remnants of the letix and the missing child of letix. Whether this is proven to be correct or not is still up in the air.

  48. Sooo what kind of harem is in this light novel? half assed [MC surrounded by lovely ladies who are endlessly vying for his attention but nothing really progresses or he chooses one girl i.e. Strike the Blood (anime), Is this a Zombie(anime) etc.] or the real deal (MC aims to or will inevitably conquer all available routes i.e. Campione, Highschool DxD etc.). If anyone could give me an answer I would be most grateful...

  49. Is this dead. No update on this site in a loooong time.

  50. When will pdf come out?

  51. I made the epub

    1. thanks a lot :)

    2. 1) Could you repost it
      2) can you do it from Dropbox pls

  52. Can i get the epub?

  53. No ePub? It'd be great to have one...

    Please when you get the time!

  54. may I create the pdf version of this volume?

    1. Yes, of course. Please make sure to give proper credits.

    2. Sure, I'll share the link when it's done.

  55. At last, It's done (I tried my best to reproduce the pdf style of the first volume)

    Dawnbringer volume 2 PDF:

    1. Fantastic work, fy! I'll link your volume compilation on the main page.

    2. I really appreciate you doing this, by the way. I'm unable to make PDFs anymore since the software was on my defunct laptop.

  56. I'm sorry to hear that ._.

    Glad if you liked the pdf (I think it needs some cross-check though)


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