Thursday, 8 March 2012

Sekaimo Status Update

Although there was an unexpected delay, the first volume of Sekaimo arrived today. All the illustrations, both colour and B&W, have been scanned. Thus, here's an early warning: There are dark borders due to paper bending. And I have zero skills in digital editing to remedy this.

Then why not unbind them for deliciously flat scans? I'm sorry, readers. I'm afraid I can't afford to do that.

On the upside, the translation is finally in progress. So please sit back and wait a little longer for the first release!


  1. Looking forward to it ^^

  2. Thanks for the works
    can't wait to read it...

  3. Are you going to release chapter by chapter or a full volume batch?

    1. It'll be released by subparts... for now.

      A full volume batch of 342 pages would certainly be nice, though.

  4. i await your work ^^

    and good luck

  5. ummm is there a link for the scans?

    1. They will be uploaded on the main page of Sekaimo Vol. 1 with the release.

  6. Time is drawing near... I can't wait! ^^
    Thanks for the hard work!!

  7. Hope to see how this story will be. Actually, I don't know what to think about this series, but lets give it a try!

  8. Hi, I have a few question regarding this novel: (Sekaimo)

    1) Is the original novel written in Korean? and then the japanese publisher translated the korean novel into japanese?

    2) What is the japanese and chinese name of the novel? if there is any?

  9. Hello, in response to your questions:

    1. Sekaimo is a Korean light novel that is only available in Korean. There is no Japanese version of the novel.

    2. It's unofficial Japanese title is "Sekai Ichi no Imouto-sama (世界の妹様)".

  10. Any new updates? I've noticed you got a Vol2 tab up now.

    1. Ch01p01 is being QCed by Sumeragi.

      And ch01p02 is 70% complete.

      Also, the second volume is en route.

    2. Thanks for the update.

      When you say PO, do you mean page, or part?

  11. Hope they're posting in parts, and not in entire volumes.

    That would be painful to wait for.

  12. Heyo! What does QC stand for? It seems like ch1po1-3 are all at that stage

  13. QC stands for "Quality Control". It means the file is in finalization by our editor Sumeragi.

  14. i can't wait for you to posting it,, it's a really great LN (what i see from the artwork).. Thank you very much for translate this LN..
    Sorry for my bad english.

    1. It really is a great light novel...when read in a wtfbbqsauce kind of way.

      And yeah, the artwork is also great. Nyanya's art style has come a long way, looking back at his/her illustrations in Mistique. Now it's somewhat akin to those of YoungIn, another Korean illustrator. But to be honest, Nyanya's B&W illustrations leaves a lot to be desired.

      Anyway, hopefully, the first chapter will be released before May...


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